Indian River Merit Badge of the Month

NEW: The Indian River District featured Merit Badge of the Month!

Registration is open using the link below!  Classes begin at 9am and run until 2pm, unless otherwise noted.  Scouts should plan to bring a lunch with them.

Advancement Recordkeeping & Blue Cards
Completed requirements will be reflected in Tentaroo following the event.  To access this report, please log in using the same Troop/Individual account used for registration.  If no completed requirements are shown, please contact the appropriate Merit Badge Counselor.  Blue Cards will not be collected or issued at the event.

Reservation Cancellations & Refund Policy
Spaces are limited per class; please be courteous to others if you are unable to attend.  If your Scout(s) are unable to attend a class, please cancel your reservation in Tentaroo.  This may be done up to seven days before the event.

While most merit badge classes are free, occasionally a class will require a small fee for program materials. For these classes specifically, no refunds will be permitted.


Merit Badge: Citizenship in the World

You MUST sign up so that we have a headcount of Scouts attending and have the proper 2 Deep Leadership available.
We will be working through the Citizenship in the World merit badge (MB) as a group. An Eagle required merit badge. The reason this is an Eagle required merit badge is that the information you will learn while completing this merit badge will be useful for your entire lifetime, regardless of the career you choose or the hobby's you have in the future.
Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Time: 1 pm to 4 pm
Cost: Zero
Class size: 12
Location: We will be meeting at the main entrance of the Indian River County Main Library, 1600 21st St, Vero Beach, FL @ 12:45 pm
Merit Badge Counselor: Kevin Platts
Contact email:

7 a. Visit the Web site (with your parent/guardian's permission) of the U.S. State Department. Learn more about an issue you find interesting that is discussed on this Web site.

7 b. Visit the Web site (with your parent/guardian's permission) of an international news organization or foreign government OR examine a foreign newspaper available at your local library, bookstore, or newsstand. Find a news story about a human right realized in the United States that is not recognized in another country.

Homework: Everyone must participate in this class to earn the MB and have BOTH the prerequisites done prior to class.
-Please printed workbook, and a refillable water bottle.
-Attire: Class A uniform and closed toed shoes.
Questions: Contact Kevin Platts at

  • MB: Citizenship in the World
    February 08, 2025

File Name Description
MB: Citizenship in the World Download