Everglades District

Everglades District was established in August of 2013, providing service and support to all Scouting units in Palm Beach County south of Southern Blvd. We are the proud home of over 1500 Scouts registered in 32 Cub Scout Packs, 30 Scouts BSA Troops, and 3 Venturing Crews.
To find out more on what's going on in the Everglades District, please join our group on Facebook (Everglades District - Gulf Steam Council).
District Meetings
District Commissioner's Meeting
For all current and prospective Unit Commissioners, held on the 1st Monday of the month.
Time: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Location: Currently virtual meetings
Contact: Erick Busold, District Commissioner (ebusold.egdistrict@gmail.com)
District Committee Meeting
For all current and prospective Committee Members, held on the 1st Monday of the month.
Time: 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Currently virtual meetings
Contact: Steve Slaman, District Chair (smslaman@hotmail.com).
District Roundtable
For all currently registered adult leaders and interested Parents, held on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Time: Gathering at 6:45pm, Meeting from 7–8pm
Location: Imagine Chancellor Charter (see map on right)
Contact: Chase Miller, Roundtable Commissioner (chasejulianne0125@gmail.com)
Join the Everglades District Committee!
The Everglades District Committee provides direct support to all Scouting units within our geographical boundaries by focusing on membership, finance, and program. Our District is responsible for the organization of new Scouting units and coordinating recruitment efforts; supporting the Council operating budget by facilitating various product sales and fundraising campaigns; and supplementing unit programs with opportunities for camping, special activities, community service, adult leader training, youth advancement and recognition.
If you are interested in putting your talents to work for the betterment of our Scouts, please contact Steve Slaman, District Chair (smslaman@hotmail.com).
Join the Everglades District Commissioner Corps!
The Everglades District Commissioner Corps provides direct service to Pack, Troop, and Crew leadership, most often providing a link to District Committee resources in support of a quality unit program. Our Commissioners can help in many ways: coaching unit leadership, offering to be an extra pair of hands when needed, facilitating a successful charter renewal, and helping find solutions that enable continued unit improvement and success.
If you are interested in bringing your Scouting knowledge and experience to other Packs, Troops, or Crews, please contact Debbie McCabe, District Commissioner (ebusold.egdistrict@gmail.com)