Cub Scout Outdoor Program

Camping takes you on exciting adventures into the natural world. You'll learn to live with others in the out-of-doors. You'll learn to be a good citizen of the outdoors.
Camping is fun, and it's good for your mind, body, and spirit. It helps you learn to rely on yourself—on your own skills and knowledge. When you go camping as a Cub Scout, you get skills you will learn and use more, later, as a Boy Scout.
Cub Scout camping has day camps, resident camps, Webelos den overnight campouts, family camps, and pack overnighters.
Day Camps
Day camp lasts for one day to five days. It's for Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos Scouts. Day camps are held during the day or early evening. Campers do not stay overnight.
Resident Camps
At resident camps, Cub Scouts camp overnight. Every year, the resident camp has a different theme and different adventures. Examples of themes are Sea Adventure, Space Adventure, Athletes, Knights, Circus Big Top, American Indian Heritage, Folklore, and the World Around Us.
Webelos Den Overnight Campouts
Webelos dens go on overnight campouts. Each Webelos Scout camps with his parent or guardian. The campers learn the basics of Boy Scout camping, under the direction of the Webelos den leader. Sometimes, leaders from a Boy Scout troop may join you.
Webelos dens also have joint overnight campouts with a Boy Scout troop. Each Webelos Scout has a parent or guardian with him on these joint campouts, too.
Council-Organized Family Camps
Family camps are overnight camps for more than one Cub Scout pack. You may hear these events called "parent-pal weekends" or "adventure weekends." Each Cub Scout camps with a parent or guardian.
Pack Overnighters
Packs on their own can hold overnight campouts for the families in the pack. Cub Scouts' brothers and sisters can go on these pack overnighters. In most cases, each Scout will camp with a parent or guardian. Every young camper is responsible to a specific adult.
Excursions and Field Trips
Outings are a big part of Scouting. Cub Scouts get out and about with many kinds of outdoor fun, such as field trips, hikes, nature and conservation activities, and outdoor games.
Field Trips
Do you like to visit museums, businesses, parks, and other fun and interesting places? Here are some field trips you might go on.
- How Things Are Made—Visit manufacturing plants such as aircraft, automotive, appliance, or electronic firms; chemical, paper, plastic, paint, furniture, or toy plants; and handicrafts or other small-craft industries.
- How Your City Runs—Visit power, water, and sewage plants; a gas company; police and fire stations; city hall; municipal buildings; the county jail; a telephone company; the post office; the Red Cross; hospitals; newspaper plants; and radio, television, and weather stations.
- How Your City Is Fed—Visit farms, flour mills, and bakeries; food canning or bottling plants; stockyards and meat or poultry packing houses; a fish hatchery; beverage, candy, and ice-cream companies; markets; and food distributors.
- Learn About Your Heritage—Visit art galleries, museums, and memorials; famous old homes, monuments, and other historic sites; places of worship; civic centers; important local buildings; summer theaters and band concerts; and local historical celebrations.
Field trips often tie in with the Core Values or activity badges.
Go See It
By going on a Go See it, Tiger Cubs learn about their community, places where adults work, community services (fire, police, hospital, etc.), nature centers, animal care centers, and other interesting places. A Go See It is a great way to learn new things, learn to understand and respect other people, become better citizens, and have fun.
A hike is a journey on foot—usually with a purpose, a route, and a destination. Tiger Cub and Cub Scout dens take short hikes, and Webelos dens work on activity badges during their hikes.
Here are some different types of hikes your den may take:
- Homes Hike—Look for spider webs, nests, holes, and other homes in nature. Make a list.
- Stop, Look, and Listen Hike—Hike for a certain length of time or for a certain number of steps. Then stop and write down all that you see and hear. Make several stops.
- Puddle Hike—Hike in a gentle rain or just after a rain, wearing your rain gear. See how animals and insects take cover from the weather.
- Penny Hike—Flip a coin to see which direction you will go. Flip the coin at each intersection or fork in the road or trail.
- Color Hike—Look for objects of a certain color. Make a list.
- Historical Hike—Hike to an historical spot. Know the history before you go.
- City Hike—Look for little bits of nature between cracks in the sidewalk. Look at the buildings for architectural details (carvings, cornices, etc.). Your den leader will help you spot these. Look for nature in a vacant lot. Even one overturned rock can uncover surprises.
Games and Sports
Outdoor games and sports teach you the skills of good sportsmanship—following the rules, taking turns and sharing, getting along with others, and fair play. Every Cub Scout can have the chance to learn the basic skills of a sport or game. Playing and doing your best and having fun are more important than winning!