
Career Exploring is a worksite-based program for young men and women aged 14 (and completed the 8th grade) through 20 years old. The purpose of the Exploring program is to provide real world career experiences and develop other critical skills necessary for success in a college and a career including:

  • Leadership development
  • Character Development
  • Social & Professional Networking
  • Community Service

Exploring is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between youth and the organizations in their communities. Businesses and community organizations initiate a specific Career Explorer post by matching their people and program resources to the interests of youth in the community. The result is a program of activities that helps youth pursue their special interests, grow, and develop.

We work with businesses, public agencies and other organizations to deliver the Career Exploring program. Career Exploring posts have been successfully established representing over 100 different career fields.

Middle School Explorer Clubs

Learning for Life's newest program, Middle School Explorer Clubs,  reaches out to 6th-8th graders. These students benefit from the same real-world career experiences as their older counterparts, but in a more age-appropriate setting.

Student Benefits:

  • Character Development
  • Build self-confidence
  • Leadership development
  • Social development
  • Unique career experiences, networking & internships
  • Volunteer community service
  • Group collaboration and teamwork