Unit Fundraising

The Gulf Stream Council sponsors two fundraisers each year that are pre-approved for all Scouting units (Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Venturing crews, Explorer posts).
Popcorn Sale (Fall)
Camp Cards Sale (Spring)
These are the ONLY two fundraisers that units may participate in that DO NOT require a Unit Money Earning Application. These are also the ONLY two unit fundraisers where Scouts may wear their uniforms. Scouts are NOT permitted to wear the Boy Scouts of America uniform even when other unit fundraisers are approved by the local council.
ALL other unit fundraisers require two weeks advanced written approval. Please note that all requests are NOT automatically approved. Properly filled out Unit Money earning Applications are reviewed by the local council and then the appropriate leaders are notified with the decision. Other unit fundraisers that do NOT receive approval are NOT covered by the Boy Scouts of America’s national liability insurance program.
Scouting units planning to hold additional fundraisers need to be aware of the following items:
- All unit fundraisers outside of those sponsored by the local council must be approved in writing. Please submit a completely filled out Unit Money Earning Application to your District Executive. Leaders noted on the application will be notified of the decision after review.
- If a unit’s fundraiser is NOT approved, all participants (Scouts, leaders, and parents) who continue to take part are NOT insured by the Boy Scouts of America’s national liability insurance program. The unit fundraiser must also NOT be promoted as a “Boy Scouts of America” event / fundraiser on any materials.
- There are multiple benefits in participating in the two council-sponsored fundraisers that the Gulf Stream Council offers for all of its Scouting units - the annual Popcorn Sale and the annual Camp Cards Sale:
- Units are automatically approved and insured under the national liability insurance program for these two fundraisers.
- Scouts are permitted to wear their Boy Scouts of America uniforms, making them more recognizable to the general public, which in turn, will increase their sales potential.
- The Gulf Stream Council supports these two unit fundraisers with manpower, materials, training, prizes, online ordering, web tools, etc.
Do's & Don'ts of Unit Fundraising
Unit money-earning projects play an important role in enabling the unit to obtain new equipment, go on camping trips, and participate in other activities and events. More important, the way a unit earns money is of great importance in the education of youth members. Usually, these projects fall into one of three groups:
- Service projects - car washes
- Sale of commercial product - candy, Christmas trees, first-aid kits and popcorn
- Activities involving parents - bake sales, pancake breakfasts, spaghetti dinners
Units are responsible for keeping policies concerning unit finance and for getting approval for the unit money-earning projects. The following BSA policies are designed to protect both the unit and the good reputation of Scouting:
- No direct solicitation for funds by units is permitted.
- The unit committee is the custodian of all funds.
- All units must submit the Unit Money Earning Application to the council for approval. Such approval is contingent on prior approval of the unit committee and chartered organization.
General guidelines for unit money-earning projects:
- Do not gamble or conflict with local ordinances.
- Ensure your project provides a value worthy of the money spent on the project.
- Respect the territorial rights of other units.
- Do not conflict with goods or services offered by established merchants or workmen. Do not schedule a project that conflicts with established dates of money-earning in the chartered organization, council, or community.
- Protect the name and goodwill of the Boy Scouts of America.
- Do not enter a contract that may bind the BSA, either locally or nationally.
- Consider money-earning projects that serve a dual purpose of conservation and money earning.
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Unit Funds and Bank Accounts | Download |