Summer Camp FAQ

To our wonderful campers, parents, and adult leaders,

During our 63-year history, Tanah Keeta Summer Camp has always promised campers a high-quality camping experience. Through our commitment of excellence to our campers and leaders, we have always found it very important to deliver a top-notch program that meets the needs of our campers, the program, and the mission of Scouting in the Gulf Stream Council. Above all, our main priority has been the health and safety of our campers and staff. 

Under the guidance provided by the Florida Governor's Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step plan to reopen Florida, the Gulf Stream Council announced the decision to cancel, postpone, or reschedule all Council events between now and July 1st. With that, we are announcing changes to our Summer Camp offerings, including Cub Scout Day Camps, Cub Scout Resident Camp, and Scouts BSA Summer Camps. You can view our updated camp schedule on our COVID-19 Update page here.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What will happen to my registration?

A: By default, all registrations will be carried over to the new dates for that respective program. May 31st will still be the final roster deadline, meaning that all changes should be made through the tentaroo registration system by May 31st. What does this look like? If a Scout was registered for "Scouts BSA Summer Camp Week 1 (6/21 to 6/27)", they will automatically be transferred to "Scouts BSA Summer Camp Week 1 (7/5 to 7/11)". 


Q: What happens to my registration if I was signed up for Week 3?

A: Our third week of summer camp had to be removed from the calendar. All week 3 registrations will automatically be transferred to Scouts BSA Summer Camp Week 2. If a Scout was already registered for both weeks, a refund may be requested for Week 3. If a Scout cannot attend the new date, then a refund may be requested. We will do our best to accommodate class choices during this process, but not all classes may be available. You will still have the option to go in and edit your scouts' schedules.


Q: What happens to Pathfinders?

A: We have canceled Pathfinders for 2020, but we are looking at offering this program in the future. If you aren't sure what Pathfinders is, we encourage you to learn about this Into to High Adventure program at 


Q: How can I go about getting a refund if my scout cannot attend the new dates?

A: We are promising families a full refund for programs that were affected by this announcement. These refund requests must be made by the final roster deadline, May 31st. After May 31st, the standard camp refund policy will take effect. Refund requests should be made using this online form. Requests should be made by the person completing registration. i.e. if the Unit manages the account, then the Unit should inventory their roster and make that request on behalf of those scouts/leaders. If the account is for an individual or provisional camper, the account owner can make that request on their own. This is to help manage the flow of requests. If you are unsure who manages your account, please reach out to your unit leader, or contact Robert Ulrich, at


Q: What safety procedures are our camps taking to limit the spread of illness?

A: We have received numerous inquiries about the health and safety procedures we are putting into effect this summer. We are actively monitoring the guidelines produced by our state and local governments and will put into effect all of the guidelines that are recommended at the time. We do not know how the recommendations will change between now and July, but we are updating our procedures to address check-in, tenting, common area cleanliness protocols, gathering, social distancing and, if necessary, quarantine and removal. As we continue to iron out these plans, scouts, parents, and leaders will be made aware of the steps camp is taking to keep everyone safe. 


Our camp staff has a very well-defined mission: to provide every camper a safe, fun, and truly unforgettable experience, while fulfilling the mission of the Boy Scouts of America. Our continued priority is the health and safety of our campers and staff. We will continue to act in accordance with the guidelines produced by our state and local officials and will keep our membership informed. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Alec Connolly, Camp Director at, and Robert Ulrich, Program Director & Program Assistant at