Adult Leader Training

The leadership training philosophy of the Boy Scouts of America is to provide adult leaders with fundamental information about the aims and purposes of the movement, as well as specific about their particular roles in Scouting.

A trained leader is knowledgeable and confident in the role being performed. The knowledge and confidence of a trained leader are quickly sensed by Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts or Venturers and are a positive influence on their lives.

                        Every Youth Deserves a Trained Leader!

Categories of Adult Leader Training

There are several categories of Adult Leader Training Courses offered by the Boy Scouts of America to include:

  1. Joining Courses - This is Youth Protection Training and Venturing Youth Protection Training. These courses are required for all new registered leaders and must be retaken every two years to maintain registration.
  2. Orientation Courses - Orientation courses are designed to help Scouters learn more about their Scouting role and about other leadership positions in the program. These courses include Fast Start, This is Scouting and STEM Orientation.
  3. Position Specific Courses - These instructor-led courses are designed to help Scouters learn how to effectively carry out their Scouting roles. In most cases, completing the course will make a Scouter "trained" for the role(s) covered in the course. A chart showing "trained" requirements for each position can be found in the training resources section.
  4. Supplemental Courses - These courses are designed to help Scouters with a particular skill or to enhance their Scouting role. These include Safe Swim, Safety Afloat, Roundtable, Powderhorn, Cubcast and Scoutcast and more.
  5. Outdoor Skills Training Courses - These courses are designed to help Scouters with skills related to the BSA's outdoor program. These include Baloo, Outdoor Leader Skills and more.
  6. Train the Trainer Courses - These courses are designed to help Scouters learn or improve their presentation skills.
  7. Administration of Courses - These resources are designed to assist training teams that administer training in a unit, council, area, or region.
  8. Area and National Training Courses - these include courses held at Philmont and Seabase as well as Wood Badge COurse Director Conferences.