Treasure Coast District Merit Badge of the Month

Merit Badge - Personal Management - Eagle Required
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: Oxbow Eco-Center
5400 NE St James Drive
Port St Lucie Fl 34983
Merit Badge Counselor: Jim Jeffers
Contact email:
Scouts will need to come with the Workbook printed for this MB.
Scout should have part 1(a) completed
Scout should be prepared for 13 weeks of work for section 2:
. Do the following:
(a) Prepare a budget reflecting your expected income (allowance, gifts, wages), expenses, and savings for a period of 13 consecutive weeks.
(b) Compare expected income with expected expenses.
(1) If expenses exceed budget income, determine steps to balance your budget.
(2) If income exceeds budget expenses, state how you would use the excess money (new goal, savings).
(c) Track and record your actual income, expenses, and savings for 13 consecutive weeks (the same 13-week period for which you budgeted). (You may use the forms provided in this pamphlet, devise your own, or use a computer-generated version.) When complete, present the records showing the results to your counselor.
(d) Compare your budget with your actual income and expenses to understand when your budget worked and when it did not work. With your counselor, discuss what you might do differently the next time.
Scouts should be prepared to either do or have done section 8:
8. Demonstrate to your counselor your understanding of time management by doing the following:
(a) Write a "to do" list of tasks or activities, such as homework assignments, chores, and personal projects, that must be done in the coming week. List these in order of importance to you.
(b) Make a seven-day calendar or schedule. Put in your set activities, such as school classes, sports practices or games, jobs or chores, and/or Scout or place of worship or club meetings, then plan when you will do all the tasks from your "to do" list between your set activities.
(c) Follow the one-week schedule you planned. Keep a daily diary or journal during each of the seven days of this week's activities, writing down when you completed each of the tasks on your "to do" list compared to when you scheduled them.
(d) With your counselor, review your "to do" list, one-week schedule, and diary/journal to understand when your schedule worked and when it did not work. Discuss what you might do differently the next time.
Scouts should have a project for section 9:
9. Prepare a written project plan demonstrating the steps below, including the desired outcome. This is a project on paper, not a real-life project. Examples could include planning a camping trip, developing a community service project or a school or religious event, or creating an annual patrol plan with additional activities not already included in the troop annual plan. Discuss your completed project plan with your counselor.
(a) Define the project. What is your goal?
Homework: there will be
-Please bring bluecard, printed workbooks, a refillable water bottle and snacks for during breaks.
-Attire: Class A uniform and closed toed shoes. Be prepared for Florida weather.
Questions: Contact : Jim Jeffers
Mark your calendars for Saturdays, April 13, 2025 as days of service and gratitude at Oxbow Eco Center for continuing to host our free merit badge classes.
Contact Kathleen Remsen at to RSVP. Open to all, not just Treasure Coast District.
Astronomy Merit Badge February 01, 2025
Personal Management Merit Badge March 01, 2025
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