Sea Scout Leadership Award

The purpose of the Sea Scout Leadership Award - The Sea Scout Leadership Award is presented by councils, areas, regions, and the BSA National Council to Sea Scouts and Sea Scouters who have made exceptional contributions to Sea Scouting and who exemplify the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Be registered and involved as a Sea Scout or Sea Scouter for at least one year.
Hold a leadership position or an office at the unit, district, council, area, region, or national level
Show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Sea Scouting and to Sea Scouts (at the level appropriate for the award).
Nomination Suggestions - The following are suggestions to include in a nomination packet:
A narrative that justifies the nomination including where the nominee went "above and beyond."
Multiple letters of recommendation (2 to 4) from different areas of the nominee's life to give a more well-rounded view of the nominee. These could include an instructor, coach Skipper/Commodore/Boatswain, or a church/community leader.
A list of all of Scouting positions (specifically list all Sea Scout positions and year held). Even if the position did not have a title, serving as the chair of a large project should be listed.
A list of any involvement outside of the Scouting program (sports, community groups, etc.).
A list of awards received in Scouting. Nominations carry more weight if a youth submits the nomination form.
**Nomination form should be filled out completely, including on a separate page in 200 words or fewer, explaining why the candidate should recieve the Sea Scout Leadership Award. Completed forms should be sent to
Quotas - The National Sea Scout Committee will establish the number of awards to be granted at each level. Currently the numbers are: Council - 2 per council with up to 5 ships, 1 for each additional 5 ships or fraction thereof.