Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills

Part of basic training for Scoutmasters/Assistant Scoutmasters and fulfills the Webelos Outdoor Leader specific for the Webelos Den Leader training award, this course (S11) is open to anyone who camps with the Scouts. If you would like a basic introduction to the outdoor skills used in the Scouting program, you are most welcome--no matter where you are presently in Scouting. The training is $30 and includes breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. It also includes cracker barrel snacks and all training materials. Fees are transferrable but not refundable.

Please bring part A&B of the BSA medical form, a personal tent, sleeping bag--what you would normally bring on a camping trip. A compass, knife, and lantern are helpful, but not necessary

Where: Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation
8501 SE Boy Scout Rd, Tequesta FL 33469


For upcoming course information -

  • January 6th-8th at Tanah Keeta Scout Reservation, hosted by Lighthouse District

Cost: $40