NRA Instructor Rifle
8501 Boy Scout Road
Tequesta, FL 33469
To register: First, register and pay the range fee through the Gulf Stream Council. Students will be contacted to register and pay for appropriate sessions through the NRA Instructor or NRA Instructor Trainer.
Become a part of the team that helps deliver Range and Target Sports to our Scouts! Range and Target Sports require proper supervision, provided by trained personnel with the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to teach youth Range and Target Sports safely. Volunteers are required to be certified NRA Instructors to teach Range and Target Sports in the Scouting program. To become an NRA Instructor, you must complete NRA Basic and NRA Instructor for each discipline you wish to work in.
A current NRA instructor who is on the Council Approved Range and Target Activities Instructor list and current NRA Range Safety Officers (RSO)s are required for Range and Target Activities to occur in the Scouting program. Troops and Crews may also conduct Range and Target Activities facilities on council or commercial ranges, with the same required Instructors and RSOs.
Participants must agree to assist the Gulf Stream Council, or their home council, by staffing at least 2 Council or District shooting sports events per year during the next two years. All NRA Instructors are encouraged to register as merit badge councilors.
Knowing how to shoot is an important requirement for NRA instructors, but you will also need to know how to teach others to shoot. NRA Instructor Training Courses help you develop the additional knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to organize and teach others.
Prerequisites: NRA Basic Instructor Training (BIT). Available for an additional fee of $50. Please register with the instructor through the link provided via email. Basic and Instructor Certifications are separate. Students who already possess NRA Basic certification for a given discipline may present certification and only need to attend the Instructor course (and BIT, if applicable).
You will need to bring with you:
· Water Bottle
· Sack lunch (each day)
· Wear Closed Toed Shoes
· Current YPT Certificate
· Current NRA Certifications
You will be outdoors for a significant period of time, mostly in the shade.
Adult leader Training Only - no guests or youth may be brought. Space is limited. Preference will be given to Gulf Stream Council scouters.
NRA Basic Classes taught by a certified NRA Instructor or Instructor Trainer. NRA Instructor Classes taught by certified NRA Instructor Trainer.