Everglades Merit Badge of the Month

Started in Septembert 2022, the Everglades District featured Merit Badge of the Month!

Registration is open using the link below!  Classes begin at 9am and run until 2pm, unless otherwise noted.  Scouts should plan to bring a lunch with them.

Advancement Recordkeeping & Blue Cards
Completed requirements will be reflected in Tentaroo following the event.  To access this report, please log in using the same Troop/Individual account used for registration.  If no completed requirements are shown, please contact the appropriate Merit Badge Counselor.  Blue Cards will not be collected or issued at the event.

Reservation Cancellations & Refund Policy
Spaces are limited per class; please be courteous to others if you are unable to attend.  If your Scout(s) are unable to attend a class, please cancel your reservation in Tentaroo.  This may be done up to seven days before the event.

While most merit badge classes are free, occasionally a class will require a small fee for program materials. For these classes specifically, no refunds will be permitted.


May 11, 2024

Emergency Preparedness

Time: 9am to 2:00pm

Age requirement: Scouts BSA  - no age restriction

Class Preparation:  Scout has earned the First Aid Merit badge...scouts can still take the class if they haven't completed the First Aid MB, but will recieve a partial completion.

Location: Imagine Chancellor Charter, 3333 High Ridge Rd, Boynton Beach, FL 33426

Cost: $10 

Everglades District Scouts BSA only - Limited to 12 scouts.

Class B uniform and bring MB workbook with a pencil and water bottle & bagged lunch, snacks provided.

No refunds