Gulf Stream Council Pinewood Derby


May 11, 2024 11:00 am to 5:00 pm



Tanah Keeta
8501 Boy Scout Road
Tequesta, FL 33469


Time to Race to the Finish Line

Gear up for a day of speed, craftsmanship, and friendly competition! Join us for the Council Pinewood Derby Race and witness thrilling races with finely crafted cars.

The top 3 racers from each Rank in each District will race to see who has the fastest car in the Gulf Stream Council!

We ask that District Pinewood Derby Chairs submit their top 3 winners from each rank before the day of check-in so we can expedite the check-in process.

Check-in will begin at 11:00 am in the Tanah Keeta Dining Hall. (Please have cars graphited prior)
The opening will be at noon, and the races start immediately afterward.

Your Pit Crew for the 2024 Gulf Stream Council Pinewood Derby is Pack 589 Pinewood Derby Crew
Any questions can be directed to Ben Goss at or Ashley Brandt at